Mark Elmore, industrial designer
After a short stint overseas Mark was lured back to join a number of his peers at Fisher & Paykel, all of whom were well versed in the rigorous ergonomic analysis of industrial design tutor James Coe.
Today Mark is the head of industrial design at Fisher & Paykel, a multi-award winning design-led company that produces user-centred products for people around the world.
Mark led the design team for the DishDrawer, now sold in 27 countries and credited with bringing millions of dollars to the New Zealand economy. This success has been pivotal in driving export sales into the United States and Europe and in establishing a completely new market for dishwashers. Fisher & Paykel are also leading the world with their Quantum Project inclding the Izona Cooksurface, the ActiveSmart Refrigerator and the SmartDrive washing machine.
Mark is highly respected for his drive, leadership, vision and creativity: in recognition of this he was awarded the John Britten Black Pin at the Designers Institute of New Zealand Best Awards in 2011.
During a visit to the United States in 1993, Danny showed his portfolio to studios in New York and California and began working for Apple Computers. Since then, his contributions to Apple's industrial design team have been recognised by numerous international awards.
During his time studying industrial design at Wellington Polytechnic School of Design, Grant Davidson was introduced to Philips, the largest and most prestigious electronics company in Holland and a global corporation of significance.
Mark Pennington is design director and consultant for Formway Design, a Petone business respected as a major global player in the design of inspirational, leading edge high performance office seating and furniture.