Whiti o Rehua School of Art wishes to encourage a wider knowledge of Maori contemporary art in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Ten scholarships of $5000 each will be awarded to students entering their first year of the BMVA degree programme in 2020. This award will be distributed throughout the four years of study, and will be available for students to use as needed—art materials, living expenses or tuition fees.
All applicants must be eligible, and intending, to enrol:
The Award is open to domestic and international students.
A supporting letter from an appropriately qualified person and/or organisation (e.g. art teacher, Te Reo teacher, dean, principal, gallery director, community leader, Kaumatua of your iwi/hapu/marae) will assist in the success of your application, although this is not compulsory.
Applicants must disclose other awards they hold or have applied for. The Selection Committee is not obligated to consider other grants but might choose to take these into account.
The scholarships shall be awarded on the recommendation of a specified Selection Committee, consisting of the Head of School Whiti o Rehua School of Art, the programme leader of the Maori Visual Arts programme, and the Toioho ki Apiti Postgraduate Coordinator.
This $5000 award will be distributed throughout the four years of study, and will be available for students to use as needed – art materials, living expenses or tuition fees.
Successful admission to Massey and the BMVA programme.
30 November each year for the following year.
College of Creative Arts
Whiti o Rehua School of Art
Wallace Street, Mount Cook
Wellington 6121